Should Pumpkin Pie Be Refrigerated?

Imagine you’ve dedicated time to crafting a gorgeous homemade pumpkin pie or swiftly brought home a store-bought masterpiece from a shopping spree at Costco.

The question arises – what’s the next step? Can the pumpkin pie claim its place on the kitchen counter, or is a cozy spot in the refrigerator a must?

Keep reading for the scoop!

Quick and straightforward: Absolutely, you should store your pumpkin pie in the refrigerator.

According to the USDA, any pies with a generous amount of eggs, like pumpkin pie, should be chilled after they’ve been baked and allowed to cool.

Pumpkin pie is part of this group, joining the ranks of custard, pecan, and meringue pies. So, when it comes to keeping your pie fresh, the fridge is the way to go!

Whether you’ve whipped up your own pumpkin pie masterpiece or snagged one from the local bakery, the golden rule remains unchanged.

Always ensure your pumpkin pie finds its cozy spot in the fridge – the kitchen counter is strictly off-limits!

Should Pumpkin Pie Be Refrigerated

Why Should I Refrigerate Pumpkin Pie?

If you love pumpkin desserts, you’ve probably got your eye on a pumpkin pie for fall—it’s a must-have!

Whether you’re baking one from scratch for Thanksgiving or grabbing a store-bought pie for a potluck, you can’t go wrong with this warm, spiced classic.

Now, as you jot down your Thanksgiving shopping list, you might be wondering about pumpkin pie logistics.

Can you bake it ahead and leave it on the counter? Or does it need to chill in the fridge? And how do you store it properly?

Here’s the simple scoop: Yes, you should put your pumpkin pie in the fridge. Whether you’re using canned pumpkin and store-bought crust or going the homemade route, remember it’s a custard pie with milk and eggs.

After it cools down completely, pop it in the fridge—just like you would with quiches or cheesecakes. (No one wants to risk eating something with eggs left out overnight!)

The good thing about chilling your pumpkin pie is that you can make it in advance. This not only opens up your oven for the rest of your Thanksgiving cooking but also takes the pressure off holiday planning.

And if you’re curious about how long pumpkin pie lasts, that info might come in handy for planning and handling leftovers.

How Do I Store Pumpkin Pie?

How Do I Store Pumpkin Pie

When it comes to preserving the delectable goodness of your pumpkin pie, the strategy depends on whether it’s a store-bought delight or a homemade masterpiece.

For the store-bought version, simply whisk it into the fridge upon arrival, nestled snugly in its original packaging or loosely wrapped in plastic. For the freshly baked homemade pumpkin pie, the cooling process is crucial:

  1. Gently relocate the pie from the oven to a cooling rack.
  2. Allow it to cool gracefully at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours.
  3. Once the pie achieves that touchable coolness, embrace it with a loose plastic wrap.
  4. Safeguard your creation in the refrigerator, giving it a cozy abode for up to 4 days.

An essential cooling pro-tip: Wait until your pumpkin pie is entirely cool before wrapping.

Wrapping it while it still holds a hint of warmth can trigger condensation, resulting in an undesired soggy crust.

If patience isn’t your strong suit, you can always let the pie chill in the fridge uncovered initially, followed by a snug wrap.

Planning for the long haul? If you foresee a delay in pie consumption, freezing is your superhero move. Whether it’s the entire pie, a half, or just a slice or two, the freezer is your ally in extending the lifespan of your pumpkin pie.

How Long Does Pumpkin Pie Last?

How Long Does Pumpkin Pie Last?

According to the USDA, you’ve got a solid 3 to 4 days to enjoy that delicious pumpkin pie chilling in your fridge. Keep in mind, though, that store-bought versions might throw a curveball with preservatives.

But fear not – whether it’s a homemade or a bakery fresh delight, the general guideline holds true for most pumpkin pies.

How Long Can Pumpkin Pie Be Left at Room Temperature?

Given the ongoing discussion about refrigeration, you might find yourself concerned about limited fridge space or simply prefer serving it at room temperature.

According to the FDA, your pumpkin pie is considered safe at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours. Beyond this timeframe, there is a potential for bacterial growth.

Why Are Store-Bought Pumpkin Pies Not Refrigerated?

This situation is a bit of a special case. Usually, commercially produced pumpkin pies come with added preservatives, making them able to stay safe at room temperature for a more extended period.

When you buy pies from the store, they often have a sell-by date, offering a guideline on how long they’re good to eat, even when stored outside the fridge.

However, when it comes to pumpkin pies from a bakery, things can get a bit tricky. If they’re made with only fresh ingredients, similar to a homemade pie, it’s a good idea to keep them in the fridge.

On the other hand, if preservatives are part of the mix, treating them like store-bought pies is the way to go. To ensure both your safety and that of your guests, it’s always a good practice to check and confirm with the bakery.

How Do I Know if My Pie Is Still Fresh?

Determining if your pumpkin pie is still good to eat isn’t rocket science. If it gives off a bad smell, looks excessively separated or weepy, or has grown some mold, it’s time to bid it farewell.

For homemade pies, the golden rule is to toss them if they’ve been left out for more than two hours. If you accidentally left that tempting slice of pumpkin pie out for too long, resist the urge to take a chance.

Thanksgiving is about more than just the pie—it’s a time for gratitude, family, and friends. And let’s face it, no one wants to deal with the aftermath of a bout of food-related issues. Better safe than sorry!

Final Words

Playing it safe is always a good call when it comes to food storage!

Refrigerating pies with ingredients like eggs, butter, and milk is a wise move, and it’s a practice that many home bakers adopt for both custard-based and fruit pies.

It helps maintain freshness and ensures that everyone gets to enjoy their delicious creations without any concerns.

So, whether it’s a pumpkin pie or a fruity delight, keeping them in the fridge is a reliable way to preserve their goodness.

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